PC Prontor Compur Sync Chassis Connector Male or Female
Product Code: PCCHASSISF
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Brand: Sonia
Weight: 2.0g
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 4
A precision made, plated, female Prontor Compur (PC) sync, chassis mount connector for OEM use. Male and Female options available. Select your choice from the drop down list.
These connectors are also ideal for any DIY application.
Solder connection.
Max chassis wall thickness: 2mm (0.08 in)
Threaded 7/32 x 26 TPI cycle thread with backnut included. They can also be resin bonded into a 6mm clearance hole.
These connectors are also ideal for any DIY application.
Solder connection.
Max chassis wall thickness: 2mm (0.08 in)
Threaded 7/32 x 26 TPI cycle thread with backnut included. They can also be resin bonded into a 6mm clearance hole.
Threaded 5/16 x 26 TPI x 2mm depth, cycle thread. No backnut. May also be resin bonded into an 8mm clearance hole.
Discounts for quantity purchases.
Bulk Buying Options
- single - £4.25 -
- 2 up to 100 - £2.60 - per item
£4.25 inc. tax

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